- Our Services
- > Education Law
We pay close attention to what our clients want from their school attorneys and work hard to add value to complex and often difficult situations.
Our Omaha-based Education Law team represents both public and private educational institutions. They represent these institutions, both in those areas of law that are common to most entities (e.g., contract issues, employment issues and litigation defense) and those specific to education (e.g., student discipline, religion, freedom of speech, civil rights, budget restrictions, and parental rights).
School District Governance
- School Board policies
- Open meeting law requirements
- Public Accountability and Disclosure Act requirements
- Board member elections and caucuses
- Special elections for bond issues and voter override of statutory tax levy limitations
- Public contract bidding requirements
- Conflicts of interest policies
- Duties and obligations of board members and administrators
- Contractual matters
- Title IX compliance
Employment Law and Labor Relations
- Union contracts
- Commission of Industrial Relations hearings
- General litigation involving discipline, termination, reassignment, and work rules
- Family and Medical Leave Act, Fair Labor Standards Act, and other federal and state laws regulating the employment relationship
- Teacher/administrator licensure complaints before the Professional Practices Commission
- Grievances and arbitrations under collective bargaining agreements
- Office of Civil Rights inquiries and investigations
Student Discipline
- Due process hearings
- Student discipline policies and requirements
- Student suspension and expulsions hearings
Special Education
- Due process claims
- Educational placement and disciplinary action involving special needs students, IEPs
- Funding issues
- Delivery of services
Constitutional Law
- Constitutional claims relating to religion in the schools
- First Amendment free speech rights of teachers and students
- Issues affecting the inclusion and exclusion of curricula, access to school buildings by student groups and community organizations, Fourth Amendment search-and-seizure issues relating to teachers and students, and due process requirements
- Drug and alcohol testing policies and protocols